What I Do!
In celebration of National Week of Deaf People – 19 to 25 September – Deaf Children Australia invited deaf people to share a video story with us, highlighting what they do, with the aim of highlighting to young people, anything is possible, just go for it!
We edited all the stories from a cast of amazing talent, to create the “What I Do” video.
The video explores their amazing accomplishments , the barriers they have faced, and how they overcame them. In addition to showcasing the many talents of our cast, what also shines through is their desire to share, support and inspire young deaf and hard of hearing young people to reach for their dreams and say to them, YES YOU CAN DO IT.
Click here to enjoy the What I Do Video
We know deaf people are told they can’t do something because they are deaf, for many in the video this has been their experience, but they didn’t let the limiting views of others hold them back.
So let us introduce you to amazing cast behind the What I do video. You will be inspired by their creativity, skills, determination, courage, resilience and belief in self:
- Amelia > Dancer
- David Grant > Influencer, Auslan videos and tutor, actor, writer, and @auslanwithdavid
he encourages everyone to learn Auslan - Deaf Chef Ross > businessowner and professional cooking tutor
- Fiona Murphy > physiotherapist, professional writer
- Irene Holub > artist, yoga and art therapist, and co-founder of the Flow Festival
- Jamie Howell > AFL player, Auslan language model at an early intervention centre for
DHH children and is undertaking her Masters in Learning and Teaching Primary to
be a teacher of the Deaf. - Lorraine Sorono > Business Owner, Personal Fitness Coach and break dancer
- Matthew – Camden Unit, volunteer, NSW SES
- Melissa Bryson > Teacher of the Deaf/Tutor, Auslan lecturer, and illustrates Auslan is
for everyone @AuslanRocks – Instagram - Nicholas Layton > Completing year 12, professional swimmer and current World Deaf Record
Holder for butterfly at 50 metres - Sam McLarty > VFL player at Coburg FC and working at the Bionics Institute in its
Marketing and Fundraising team - Sekou Kanneh > personal trainer, ex Deaflympian and studying videography
- Shrey Patel > currently in year 11 and is the youngest member of the Australian Deaf
Cricket team - Tracey Clissold > Metro Capability Unit Volunteer, NSW SES
The sharing of these experiences also inspires and also reassures the parents of a deaf or hard of hearing children. They often have no knowledge of the Deaf community, and knowing there is a community to support and encourage their child outside of the home, makes a huge difference to them too.
Enjoy the video, and share your skills and capabilities on social media and tag us #dcawhatId o