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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Rachelle Knoche

Quality and Compliance Manager
Rachelle Knoche joined the DCA team in 2009, and now works as our Quality and Compliance Manager. Initially joining as a Program Supervisor in DCA’s Employment Services, Rachelle has an experienced background in Quality and Compliance. In 2017, Rachelle moved into the National Training and Compliance Manager role in DCA’s Disability Employment Services.

As DCA’s Quality & Compliance Manager, Rachelle leads a team to ensure we operate a quality organisation with high standards of service delivery and compliance. She has extensive training, experience, and skills essential to her role such as leading management systems audits, extensive experience in Government programme assurance audits, as well as broad experience working in community services for over 20 years.


“There is always a team of people who contribute to every success we have,” Rachelle says. “Thank you for the opportunity to work with – and to be a part of the DCA team.”