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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Noel Henderson

Property and Heritage Manager
Noel joined DCA over ten years ago. Noel has been a Board Member, Chairman, and the General Manager of Development and Fundraising – and now works as our Property and Heritage Manager. Noel has previous experience in operations, project management and service delivery.

Noel currently manages all of Deaf Children Australia’s sites, buildings, facilities, assets, tenant management, and lease arrangements – supporting DCA’s operations. Prior to joining DCA, Noel worked for some of the largest Information Technology companies in the world with new and emerging technologies.

“I have been fortunate to follow my passion to work full time in the Deaf sector,” Noel said. “I am a post-lingual deaf person and I see technology as the great equaliser for deaf people.”