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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Jacky Clark

With 35 years of experience as a Teacher of the Deaf in a variety of educational settings including VCD (Victorian College for the Deaf) and the Visiting Teacher Service, Jacky brings proven knowledge and skills to the DCA Board. Her wealth of experience in partnering and operating small businesses, including ownership of a community pharmacy for 10 years has given Jacky a significant level of financial, marketing, and business management skills. She understands the ongoing and associated challenges and frustrations for deaf and hard of hearing students and their families, together with the importance of programs that support early intervention and mentoring for parents and children. As a dedicated advocate for successful community engagement between the worlds of ‘the hearing’ and ‘the deaf and hard of hearing’ Jacky is committed to supporting DCA’s programs that heighten awareness of equality, opportunity, and inclusion.

Jacky says: “I am steadfast in supporting creative, visionary, and innovative DCA programs that will benefit Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and families. I am keen to be involved in the emergence, evaluation and execution of ideas and programs that will foster collaboration and communication with wider communities and stakeholders.”