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Grace Johnson – Deaf girl finds acceptance and friendship in local primary school

Click to watch Grace’s courageous story

Most parents are a bit anxious when their kids start school, and perhaps more so if their child is different in any way. In this video, you’ll learn why one mum’s fears about whether her daughter, who is deaf, would fit in and be accepted at a local primary were “completely squashed”. 

After being born three months prematurely, Grace experienced brain damage from an infection. As well as hearing loss, Grace has a severe speech-language delay and is on the autism spectrum. But that hasn’t stopped her from making heaps of friends, learning, and participating in activities like school sports carnivals. 

Grace’s mum Stacey talks about how advocating for Grace has helped staff include her in all aspects of school life. You’ll hear from Grace’s teachers and support staff, who explain how they’ve worked with Grace and her peers to create an inclusive, welcoming environment.  

Stacey also describes how Grace has achieved more than expected, and the thrill of seeing her classmates cheer her on. She talks about her hopes that Blueprint will raise deaf awareness and help all kids have a fun, rewarding experience as they participate in sporting and other group activities.