Leave a Gift in your Will
Leaving a Gift in your Will is one way you can help create a future where Deaf and hard of hearing children have every opportunity that their hearing peers do.
DCA recommends that you consider your loved ones first, but even 1% can make a real difference to the programs and services available to deaf children and their families, without impacting your financial situation today.
Including a gift in your Will is very easy. The next time you are updating or changing your Will, simply ask your solicitor or Trustee Company to insert a few simple words into your new Will. Whatever your circumstances, we recommend you see an independent solicitor, and discuss your intentions with your family and loved ones, before making or revising your Will. If your already have a Will that reflects most of your wishes, your solicitor can even simply draft a Codicil to add your gift in a way that ensures your original Will is not affected.
Your gift can be a specify a specific amount, a percentage of your estate or assets like property of shares. You can even leave a residual or conditional gift, which ensures we only receive your Gift after all your loved ones have been taken care of.
Every Gift in a Will we receive – regardless of size – will help empower future generations of deaf and hard of hearing children and young people.

Gladys Fenton Bequest
Many bequests live on for many years. In the 1950's, Deaf Children Australia received a share of a generous bequest from Gladys Dyon Fenton. Gladys was an independent businesswoman and a successful hotelier. Her generosity in leaving a gift in her Will enabled us to build a much needed two story red brick extension to our Bluestone building.
To this day, this wing is named after Gladys and continues to benefit deaf children. Over sixty years after it was built, Fenton Hall has recently been used for a youth group and for a language development program for pre-schoolers and their families.
Make Dreams a Reality
Over the years, generous Gifts in Wills have helped Deaf Children Australia to provide vital support, information and advocacy services to enrich the lives of the group of over 16,000 Australian children and teenagers who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Since 2000, annual distributions from The Nelson & Brook Educational Trusts and The Allen & Cecilia Tye Fund have enabled us to offer our Youth Grants, which support young deaf and hard of hearing people all over Australia to pursue their goals and dreams.

Write your Will Online
Don’t have a Will? DCA is partnering with Australia’s leading online will-writing platform, Safewill, so you can create your Will online for just $80.
It can take as little as 20 minutes to complete your Will and ensure your wishes are honoured and your loved ones taken care of.
After family and friends, please consider including Deaf Children Australia in your Will.
Your gift, no matter how large or small, will make a real difference to future generations.
Suggested Gift in Will Wording
Here's some suggested wording you may wish to share with your solicitor, including options for the difference types of gift you may choose to leave.
"I give to Deaf Children Australia (ABN 57 108 025 207): The residue of my estate, or [insert number] % of my estate, or the sum of $ [insert amount], and/or [insert number] of my [insert name of shares] shares for its general purposes, free from all duties, deductions and charges. The receipt of an authorised officer of Deaf Children Australia shall constitute a full and sufficient discharge of executor's duties."
Get in touch
Please contact our Philanthropy Advisor if you are considering a Gift in your Will. Eran can answer any questions you may have or provide suggested wording that you can share with your solicitor. If you wish to leave property of specific items, it can also be helpful to ensure this can have the impact that you intended.

If you have remembered us in your Will, please also consider letting Eran know. Of course, you can choose for your gift to remain completely confidential or anonymous. However, we would love the opportunity to thank you for your kindness and keep you updated about the type of impact your gift could have.
To have a confidential discussion about leaving a gift in your Will get in touch with our Philanthropy Advisor, Eran, on 0460 294 832 or by emailing giftsinwills@deafchildren.org.au.