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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Fundraise For DCA

 Fundraising for us can make a big difference to deaf and hard of hearing children! Below are some ways you can raise money for DCA and some of the amazing efforts our fundraisers have made.

If you have a great idea for fundraising, please get in touch so we can support you in your efforts. 

For Schools

Schools instil values in children and inspire them to become better – every day. Children’s learning and experience in schools can have a lasting impact on their mental, emotional, social, and physical well-being. When schools provide opportunities for children to interact and understand the needs of society, it can nurture empathy, humility, and care. It is this collective culture of school that makes it possible to create and magnify their impact – every year!

If you’re a school, here’s some fundraising ideas you could do:

  • Host a casual or fancy-dress day
  • Organise a Giving Day on annual school events
  • Have a “For You” jar
  • Organise a tour of DCA’s historic Bluestone or host an event there
Bona Vista Primary School’s Denim Day Fundraiser

Bona Vista Primary School is a small school with 30 students with big hearts. They raised funds for DCA by having a ‘Denim Day’ where they had to bring a gold coin donation and ran a raffle.

The students are very passionate about helping the community. As they have a classmate who is hard of hearing, and they’ve been learning Auslan, they felt that this time they would like to raise money for Deaf Children Australia.

For Individuals - Do Something Amazing

Got a goal in mind and want to fundraise for us?

DCA is registered as an official charity on JustGiving – just select us as your chosen charity and go. All donations are automatically receipted, and you don’t have to do a thing except accomplish your goal!

Our supporters have run marathons, paddled down the Murray River, tackled obstacle courses, hosted lemonade stalls, and created birthday fundraisers on Facebook.

Fundraise through Grassrootz

Signing up for a marathon, fun run or triathlon soon?

When you sign up for a registered event through Grassrootz, you can now select Deaf Children Australia as your chosen charity to support.

Browse through all the upcoming Grassrootz events via the button below.

Step Up for Deaf Kids

Step Up for Deaf Kids with 300,000 Steps in November! 

Take on the challenge and join an amazing community Stepping Up to raise funds for deaf and hard of hearing kids to have the same opportunities in life as their hearing peers. 

Registrations open in October, and the challenge takes place in November. Are you ready to Step Up? 

For Businesses

From departments to the whole organisation, there are many ways how you can support our work to empower the future generations of deaf and hard of hearing children across Australia. Your fundraising activity can be as simple or elaborate as you like, and it could help bring your team together. For example, Wisewould Mahony organised a Golf Day with a client and raised $1,200.

Here’s some of the ways you can fundraise for us:

  • Run a raffle or chocolate drive
  • Host a DCA charity lunch, sporting event or getaways
  • Host a trivia or quiz night
  • Hold a cake stall at a market or a drinks stall at a local sporting event
  • Initiate or take part in corporate or community fundraising challenge
  • Offer to match staff donations to double the impact
Workplace Giving
Workplace Giving

Do you have a Workplace Giving program at your office?

Including Deaf Children Australia as one of the causes your staff can support through Workplace Giving is a great way to give Deaf and hard of hearing children the same opportunities as their hearing peers.

Employees can set up donations from their pre-tax salary through your payroll, receiving their tax-deduction immediately instead of waiting to claim it in their tax return. 

Get in touch on 1800 645 916 or at for more info. 

Get In Touch

If you would like to get in touch, you can contact our Fundraising team using the details below!



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