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Calling all parents, teachers and schools…


Deaf Children Australia launches mission to build inclusion for deaf and hard of hearing children within regional and rural communities.

In 2021, the Flying Colours survey revealed that parents raising deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children have raised concerns over limited support in mainstream primary schools, that could be impacting their child’s learning outcomes. 

This is particularly true for DHH children in regional and rural communities where access to resources to support learning can be limited. 

“All students, regardless of their abilities, have the right to fully participate and be understood by their teachers, school staff and peers,” said Karla, mother of 11-year-old Ollie who is deaf.

In an attempt to bridge the gaps and build inclusivity, Deaf Children Australia is calling upon teachers, schools, families and locals to provide insight into the challenges they face when communicating with and supporting DHH children. 

Have your say and complete the survey!

All survey responses are  anonymous and will only take 5 minutes to complete. 

What is Flying Colours?

For parents that have received a diagnosis that their child is deaf or hard of hearing, it can be difficult to know where to go or what to do next.

Flying Colours helps to change this. It provides a wealth of resources, parent stories, stories of the deaf, research and a service finder all in one place, to help parents navigate a new world.

The information listed is guided by the Flying Colours survey that deaf Children Australia commissioned last year inviting families and carers to tell us what they want and need. Find out more visit

If you would like further information about Flying Colours please email