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Pip & Annie’s Besties – Finger Puppets – Set of 6


Pip and Annie’s Besties are here! These loveable characters appear in the storybooks and include a sheep, dog, pig, owl, kangaroo, and koala. The soft, tactile feel of the felt puppets will appeal to kids, and together with the Auslan Cards and Auslan videos of keywords, will help you and your child learn Auslan together.

These six handmade finger puppets can help your child to develop and learn through play. The finger puppets complement the other charming Platypus Playhouse characters to ignite your child’s natural imagination and sense of wonder.

Useful tips: Once eye contact is made and you have your child’s attention, act out scenarios, demonstrate simple stories from the picture books using the felt finger puppets, point to objects, and use toys to interact with your child.

Categories, SKU:PPH019

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  • 6 handmade felt finger puppets
  • 100% Australian wool
  • 6 Auslan cards
  • QR code linking to Auslan videos, showing you how to sign key words
  • Calico bag
  • Suitable for 3+ years
  • Designed in Australia
  • Cold handwash finger puppets
  • No small or removable parts
  • Average height of 7.5cm


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